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Prime Time Math [Computer software]. (1998). Sheppard Software, Suite 623, Pavilion, Jenkintown, PA 19046. Accessed March 5, 2025. Email:
Developer: Brad Sheppard, President of Sheppard Software
Grades: 7-12
Prime Time Math ( is a multimedia educational game that will help students in grades 7-12 improve their word problem solving skills and boost their SAT scores. Problems in the game cover prime numbers, factoring, squares, cubes, remainders, fractions, percentages, algebra and logic. Prime Time Math features over 1000 problems in nine skill levels with three options of play that include the ten problem game, time trial and two-player combat. The problems in the game are descriptions of the numbers 1 - 99. From these descriptions, the player must identify the correct number. Hints and help files are provided. Students can toggle sound on or off and view information on scoring, benchmark numbers, tips and strategies and more.
Note: This program can be downloaded from the website, along with others made available to teachers, schools, and homeschools: Other math products include Algebra: One on One, Brain Builder: Math Edition, Math Function Mania, and License Plate Math.
See a list of free online games and activities for math: early math, basic and mixed operations, fractions and decimals, place value, money, time, geometry, integers, and algebra.
Sheppard Software also has over 200 HTML5 math games for phones and tablets.
Pro-Core [Test prep software]. Computers in Education, Ben Hemingway, 3435 Observatory Place, Cincinnati, OH 45208. Accessed March 5, 2025. Email:
Correlations: Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and Ohio state standards
Tel: 513-827-0363
Grades: 2-12
Description: From features noted at Pro-Core:
Pro-Core online assessments address 44 grades/subjects through its unique diagnostic, grouping, and intervention reports for Grades 2-12 in ELA/reading, math, science and social studies. High school math includes algebra I, II; geometry, and integrated math I, II, and III.
Pro-Core includes three exams offered throughout the year, including a pretest diagnostic, a midyear formative test, and a post-test at the end of the year providing student growth measures and teacher effeciveness ratings. There are also short cycle web assessments administered throughout the year and progress reporting for individual learners.
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