Math Topics
Learning Support
Here's your chance to recommend the best math software and apps you use in your instruction and/or for standardized test preparation. You can:
Send us an email with your favorite math
software or math app title, website URL where it can be found, and the publisher.
Include a few words on why you
really like the software or app.
Or, use this form to evaluate math software and apps of your choice. When you hit "Submit" you will see a "Confirmation" page with your responses. If submitted correctly, your responses will be emailed to CT4ME. You might wish to copy/paste your responses shown on the confirmation page into a word-processing file for your records.
Request: Use the form only to recommend math software and math apps.
Privacy Policy: Your name, contact information, and any personally identifying information will not be posted on CT4ME, if we post information about your math software and apps recommendations on this site. We appreciate your views and your privacy in our quest to help math teachers everywhere. If you send an email to CT4ME on any topic, any reply will be to you only unless otherwise stated in your email. Depending on the content of your email, a response to you might be saved for any future communications.
Note: If you are using or selecting software or an app, the National Center on Improving Literacy (2018) includes information and resources about evidence-based interventions per the Elementary and Secondary Education Act:
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), emphasizes the use of evidence-based activities, strategies, and interventions. Section 8101(21A) of the ESEA defines an evidence-based project component as being supported by four possible levels of evidence - strong evidence, moderate evidence, promising evidence, or evidence that demonstrates a rationale.
Part I: Please complete at least part I. Part II will provide a more thorough evaluation.
Reed Dickson (2022, May 12) provided 14 Equity Considerations for Ed Tech posted in Campus Technology. They are grouped into four categories: Tech Equity, Accessibility Equity, Experiential Equity, and Identity Equity. Ask those questions when considering the pedagogical experience of an e-learning tool, or any ed tech tool, to ensure the best experience for all learners.
National Center on Improving Literacy. (2018). What do we mean by evidence-based?. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of Special Education Programs, National Center on Improving Literacy.
Math Software (section start for more
information) | Math Software Titles |