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Deubel, P. (2018). Punishment or policy change: A case of plagiarism in a dissertation. Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 8(1), 101-112.
Deubel, P. (2017, July 26). Conducting research-based projects in elementary grades with safety in mind. THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2015, February 16). Why is my child having difficulty with reading math texts? K5 Learning.
Deubel, P. (2013, January 16). Is it really hip to flip? THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2011, June 15). What value-added assessments won't tell you about effective teachers. THE Journal. [Part 2 of a 2-part series].
Deubel, P. (2011, June 8). Measuring teacher effectiveness: Are we creating an education nightmare? THE Journal. [Part 1 of a 2-part series].
Deubel, P. (2010, September 15). Are we ready for testing under common core state standards? THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2010, August 4). Interactive whiteboards: Truths and consequences. THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2010, February 17). Web 2.0 in Instruction: Adding spice to math education. THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2009, September 16). Social networking in schools: Incentives for participation. THE Journal.
Thanks to ASCD for highlighting this article in their
SmartBrief newsletter of September 18, 2009, headlined, "Schools should
investigate the potential of online social networks." ASCD wrote, "Although
the online safety of students will be an ongoing challenge for schools, the
potential of online social networks for education should not be overlooked,
writes Patricia Deubel, an educational technology expert. Social networking
opens student access to new means of collaboration and sources of information.
Deubel offers tips for educators and school administrators on best practices."
Deubel, P. (2009, March 19). Mobile devices: Facing challenges and opportunities for learning. THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2008, November 19). The communications revolution and what schools need to do about it. THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2008, August 28). Education decisions: Looking for strong research and better implementations (Part 2). THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2008, August 21). Education decisions: Where's the evidence and research base? (Part 1). THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2008, June 26). Students with disabilities: Software and learning support for math (Part 2). THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2008, June 19). Addressing the needs of students with disabilities in math (Part 1). THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2008, April 16). Crossroads in education: Issues for Web 2.0, social
software, and digital tools. THE Journal.
Thanks to University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, which included this publication
among required readings in its course
syllabus for Creativity and Innovation in the Classroom for 2010.
Deubel, P. (2008, April 10). Accountability, yes. Teaching to the test, no. THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2008, March 19). A taste of Web 2.0. THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2008, March 13). K-12 online teaching endorsements: Ohio Department of Education perspectives. THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2008, January 10). K-12 online teaching endorsements: Are they needed? THE Journal.
This article was cited in the 2010 FCC National Broadband Plan, Chapter 11
Education, section 11.1 Supporting and Promoting Online Learning: See endnotes 29 (p.
241) and 48 (p. 242).
Deubel, P. (2007). Virtual worlds: A next generation for instruction delivery. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 21(2), 6-12. [PDF also available at this site. Click on the title.]
Deubel, P. (2007, November 8). The great debate: Effectiveness of technology in education. THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2007, October 22). Homework: A math dilemma and what to do about it. THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2007, October 1). Test prep and math realities. THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2007, July 19). Second Life: Do you need one? (Part 4). THE Journal. [Part 4, The top-7 hurdles for virtual learning.]
Deubel, P. (2007, July 12). Second Life: Do you need one? (Part 3). THE Journal. [Part 3, Virtual Bacon talks Second Life.]
Deubel, P. (2007, July 5). Second Life: Do you need one? (Part 2). THE Journal. [Part 2, Amareal Jewell looks at learning in SL.]
Deubel, P. (2007, June 28). Second Life: Do you need one? (Part 1).
THE Journal. [Part 1, Amareal Jewell
joins SL.]
Note: As an update to this series on Second Life, readers should note that the
Teen Grid in SL closed December, 2010. Read about it in Denise
The End of the Virtual World in THE Journal, September 1, 2010.
Deubel, P. (2007, June 14). Podcasts: Improving quality and accessibility. THE Journal. [Part 2 of a 2-part series].
Deubel, P. (2007, June 7). Podcasts: Where's the learning? THE Journal. [Part 1 of a 2-part series].
Deubel, P. (2007, Spring). Guidelines for selecting quality K-12 online courses. PRISM, 7(1), 16-17. [Note: Although no longer available, you can see it listed at PRISM is a publication from the Colorado Association of School Boards. This article is a condensed version of the original publication in THE Journal. It was written at the request of PRISM for this particular issue on online learning.]
Deubel, P. (2007, May 2). Biometrics in K-12: Vendor claims and your business plan. THE Journal. [This is part 3 of the series.]
Deubel, P. (2007, April 25). Biometrics in K-12: Issues and standardization. THE Journal. [This is part 2 of the series.]
Deubel, P. (2007, April 19). What's online education all about? THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2007, April 18). Biometrics in K-12: Ban or buy? Part 1: The technology and school applications. THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2007, April 10). Biometrics in K-12: The legal conundrum. THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2007, April 2). Data security in K-12 school districts. THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2007, February 21). Moderating and ethics for the classroom instructional blog. THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2007, January 16). Should states mandate online learning? THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2007, January 10). What's full-time for K-12 online teaching?—a dilemma. THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2006, October 25). Showing support for teacher websites. THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2006, October 4). E-textbooks: Points to ponder on pixels and paper. THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2006, September 6). The value of connectivism. THE Journal.
Deubel, P. (2006). Game on!: Game-based learning. THE Journal, 33(6),
30-33, 41.
Thanks to ASCD for highlighting this article in their
newsletter of January 26, 2006, headlined, "Expert:
Instead of fighting video games, tap their potential." ASCD wrote, "Ed-tech
consultant and professor Patricia Deubel notes that video games can offer myriad
educational benefits, including promoting mental agility and fostering a sense
of engagement. She says once teachers experience firsthand the excellent
programs like simSchool and Sportsmanship they'll be less reluctant to make videogames available to
their students."
Thanks to Education World for listing this article among its resources for
Teaching with Games.
Deubel, P. (2005). Plagiarism: Prevention is the name of the game. English Leadership Quarterly, 28(1), 6-11. [Also available at this site. Click on the title.]
Deubel, P. (2005). The web and accountability. Learning & Leading with Technology, 32(5), 30-33.
Deubel, P. (2004, November 1). Guidelines for selecting quality K-12 online courses [Web exclusive]. THE Journal, 32(4).
Deubel, P. (2003, Fall). Learning from reflections: Issues in building quality online courses. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 6(3). [Also available at this site. Click on the title.]
Thanks to WebED News at the Ohio Supercomputer Center, a technology initiative of the Ohio Board of Regents, for spotlighting this article in their August 2003 (volume 4, issue 8) news.
Thanks to the National Clearinghouse for Worker Safety and Health Training in Washington, D.C. for featuring this article in their weekly Newsbrief of October 3, 2003. They found the article relevant for their readers (e-mail communication October 15, 2003).
Dr. Juanita L. Gurubatham, Associate Vice President for Academic Administration for Columbia Union College in Takoma Park, Maryland, cited this article in her Resources for the Distance Educator (p. 6), which is published in The Distance Education Report, March, 2004, Volume 8, Number 6:
Kala Miller quoted this article in Charisma of an Online Facilitator: Do you have it?, April 30, 2005, posted at the Professional Development Center of the California Virtual Campus:
Deubel, P. (2003).
An investigation of behaviorist and cognitive approaches to instructional
multimedia design. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 12(1),
63-90. Norfolk, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in
Education (AACE).
[Also available at this site. Click on the title.]
Deubel, P. (2002, Summer). Getting started enriching K-12 curriculum with Internet resources. Learning & Leading with Technology, 29(9).
CT4ME would like to thank Dr. Tony Pellegrini at Southern Utah University who selected this article as a reading in a teacher preparation course during 2002 because it helps prospective teachers to "understand the theoretical underpinnings of integration of technology in instruction" (e-mail communication January 17, 2003).
Deubel, P. (2002). Selecting curriculum-based software. Learning & Leading with Technology, 29(5), 10-16. [PDF version as published in L&L at this site--click on the title]
You can also read the HTML paper associated with the above publication: Selecting Valuable Software for the Standards Movement.
Special thanks to Heartland Area Education Agency in Johnston, Iowa for featuring the above article in Tips for Selecting Educational Software in their March 2002 edition of World of Media. The agency serves more than 50 school districts in central Iowa, and provides services and materials, including educational software, for all of the surrounding area schools. According to M. Oakley, Instructional Materials Consultant, (e-mail communication February 4, 2002), "Your article is an excellent resource for educators that are trying to select software to meet their needs."
Also, thanks to the staff at Southridge Elementary School in Indiana for including this article among resources for their November 2002 in-service school improvement program Working with Indiana Academic Standards.
Thanks to A. Kerr, adjunct professor at MidAmerica Nazarene University, who selected this article as a reading for a master's level course on "Interactive Projects." Kerr stated (e-mail communication March 13, 2003), "I particularly like the 10 guidelines for selecting software."
Thanks to L. Degginger, adjunct professor at Rockhurst University, who used this article in her 4030/6030 course. "The students found it easy to understand and a big help to them for evaluating software" (e-mail communication September 21, 2003).
Rolfe Windward, Ph.D., Educational Technology, featured this article in his commentary for June 2003 in The Educator, a newsletter of the Lindsay Wilson College Education Division in Columbia, Kentucky. Thank you!
John Rice (2007) referenced this article in New Media Resistance: Barriers to Implementation of Computer Video Games in the Classroom, Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 16(3) 249-261.
Deubel, P. (2001, Summer). The effectiveness of mathematics software for Ohio proficiency test preparation. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 33(5). Note: See
Deubel, P. (2001, Spring). The good and bad news of software use for mathematics proficiency test preparation. Ohio Journal of School Mathematics, 43, 55-60. [Note: the article is also on this site by clicking on the title.]
Deubel, P. (2000). Book review: Distance learners in higher education: Institutional responses for quality outcomes. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 14(4), 34-36. [Book author: Gibson]
Deubel, P. (2000). Mathematics software and achievement on the Ohio Ninth Grade Proficiency Test (Doctoral dissertation, Nova Southeastern University, 2000). Dissertation Abstracts International, 61(07), 2675A. Publication Number 9981161. [Read the Abstract.]
Deubel, P. (1999). Book review: Dancing with the Devil. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 13(3), 28-31. [Book author: Katz & Associates]
Deubel, P. (1998). Multimedia software review: Make It America! HyperNexus: Journal of Hypermedia and Multimedia Studies, 8(2), 6-8. [Note: this document is also in HyperNexus: Journal of Hypermedia and Multimedia Studies, 1997-1998, 38-40. ].
Deubel, P. (1996). A staff development approach to the study of conflict resolution--Theory into practice. In A Resource Guide for a Comprehensive High School Conflict Management Program by the Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management and the Ohio Department of Education, pp. 96-97.