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DimensionU [Game-based software]. DimensionU, Inc., 1895 Billingsgate Circle, Ste B, Richmond, VA 23238. Accessed May 2, 2023.
Correlations: Common Core and state standards
Tel: 877-682-2852 (Sales)
Grades: 3-9
DimensionU is promoted as eSports for education and offers a math virtual tournament for learners in grades 3-10 with awards. There are also leagues.
Its multiplayer games for the web or mobile devices include Towerstorm, Meltdown, and Velocity.
DimensionU provides a document with the math standards in its games for elementary and secondary students. These are presented in eight levels for skills in Number & Operations, Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, Data Analysis & Probability with the highest level being labeled algebra. There's a teacher app that allows teachers to set game curricula and to monitor student play.
DOMA Pre-Algebra [Assessment software]. (2008). Let's Go Learn, 705 Wellesley Ave., Kensington, CA 94708. Accessed May 2, 2023. Email:
Correlations: Common Core, TEKS, and other state math standards
Tel: 888-618-7323
Grades: middle and high school
Description: From Let's Go Learn website, DOMA Pre-Algebra section:
Let's Go Learn's Diagnostic Online Math Assessment (DOMA) Pre-Algebra "evaluates 14 different areas of math knowledge that teachers consider essential for success at the Algebra I level. The 14 areas of math knowledge evaluated are: integer operations, fraction operations, decimal operation, comparing and converting, estimating and rounding, evaluating exponents, ratios and proportions, simplifying expressions, coordinate graphing, linear functions, simple equations, geometry, interpreting data, and simple probability." (Overview section)
Let's Go Learn also produces diagnostic math assessments for K-7 and algebra.
See LGL Math Edge. Per its description, "LGL Math Edge is a total online solution for all students who need math instruction in kindergarten through 9th grade mathematics. It begins with a diagnostic assessment and then offers individualized reports and prescriptive instruction. This instructional cycle continues until students have reached full mastery." (Overview section)
DreamBox Math. [Game-based software]. Dreambox Learning, 305 108th Ave NE, Second floor, Bellevue, WA 98004. Accessed February 5, 2024.
Correlations: Common Core State Standards
Tel: 877-451-7845 toll-free
Grades: K-8
Description: Adapted from the website:
DreamBox uses an online game-based format to teach math to learners in grades K-8. Content is divided for grade levels K-2, 3-5, and 6-8. It individualizes learning through continuous assessment and adaptations during lesson game play. Lessons, hints, level of difficulty, pace, sequence, instructional tools, and many other aspects of the experience are tailored to help each student learn.
Students use virtual manipulatives to help with conceptual understanding, rather than just clicking on an answer. Reporting features for teachers and parents are included to monitor progress in real time.
DreamBox is also available for iPad.
enVision Mathematics [Digital software]. (2024). Savvas Learning Company LLC. 15 E Midland Ave., Suite 502, Paramus, NJ 07652. Accessed October 4, 2023.
Correlations: State standards correlations are available
Tel: Customer Care: 800-848-9500
Grades: K-12
Description: See more about enVision Mathematics.
Per the website, enVision Mathematics (2024) "focuses on deep conceptual math understanding aided by visual models, personalized learning, and 3-act tasks." It includes family engagement resources. The series is available for grades K-5, 6-8, algebra 1, geometry, algebra 2 and 9-12 integrated math. Spanish material is embedded in English courseware for grades K-algebra 1.
Delivery method is print and digital. Devices include use on a computer, tablet, smartphone, and whiteboard.
Examview. [Test generation software]. Echo360, 11955 Freedom Drive, Suite 700, Reston, VA 20190. Accessed May 2, 2023.
Correlations: Common Core State Standards in Math and English Language Arts; multiple state standards
Tel: Sales in US: 1-877-ECHO360 x1
Grades: K-12
Description: For more information see:
Per the website, Examview allows you to create assignments, launch assessment questions, and get real-time responses to evaluate student performance.
Learning Series Math questions are organized by the following topics: Algebraic Thinking; Data Analysis and Probability; Geometry and Spatial Sense; Measurement and Number Sense; and Concepts and Operations.
There are 7,738 Math items with approximately 385,000 unique iterations with dynamic content, with a mix of computational items and contextual-based items for K-12 math.
There are multiple question types such as true/false, multiple -choice, multiple response, numeric response, matching, completion, short answer and essay.
The entire series includes over 15,600 test questions in English language arts, math, reading, science, and social studies. Examview Learning Series works with Examview Assessment Suite to produce study guides, worksheets and formative and summative assessments using questions that are organized by discipline and aligned with state academic standards.
Note: Examview was originally from Turning. Per its website, Turning combined with Echo360 in late 2021. See
Fathom Dynamic Data [Computer software]. (2011+). The Concord Consortium, 25 Love Lane, Concord, MA 01742. Accessed May 2, 2023.
Correlations: Common Core Math Standards
Tel: 978-405-3200 (Main line at
Grades: 8-College
Fathom is used to gather, explore, and graphically analyze data in depth. It's appropriate for use in algebra, geometry, precalculus, calculus, and statistics courses and other courses in which data analysis is included. Students can explore such concepts as slope, using bivariate data, transforming data, fitting functions, using logarithms, making predictions, probability and sampling simulations, modeling data, numeric methods for derivatives and integrals, performing inference (including chi-square, t-tests, one-way ANOVA, and multiple linear regression). You can create a variety of graph types (e.g., histograms, bar charts, and dot, box, percentile, ribbon, breakdown, and scatter plots) and choose from 100 built-in functions or create your own formulas.
The site comes with free activities and resources for using Fathom in algebra, geometry, precalculus, calculus, statistics, and science courses. Resources also include links to data sets and ideas for projects using Fathom.
First in Math [Online software]. (2012+). Suntex International, Inc., 3311 Fox Hill Road, Easton, PA 18045. Accessed December 11, 2024.
Correlations: Common Core Math Standards
Tel: 610-253-5255 for purchases; 800-242-4542 for district pricing
Grades: K-8
Description: From the website:
First in Math offers K-8 comprehensive content-ranging from single—step addition to complex algebra—in an engaging format. Students progress at their own pace to master basic and advanced math skills.
Its "content is organized into six basic modules: Skill Sets; Just the Facts; Know & Show; Workout Gyms; Bonus Games and Measurement World. Activities are presented in an online "Game" format that engages students" (Program Content section). Game-style activities provide immediate feedback.
Online skill-sets are grouped as follows. Groups 1-2: addition and subtraction, 3-4: multiplication and division also promoting development of pattern-sensing and pre-algebra problem-solving skills, 5-6: fractions and decimals that also promotes algebra readiness. Groups 7-8 continue with preparation for and practice with Algebra. Focus is on integers, exponents, and skills such as evaluating, factoring, and simplifying algebraic expressions.
Assessment reports enable educators to monitor progress and identify problems that individual learners might be having.
Freckle Math [online software]. (2013+). Renaissance Learning, Inc., P.O. Box 8036, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495-8036. Accessed May 2, 2023.
Correlations: Common Core and State Standards
Tel: 800-338-4204
Grades: K-12
Description: Per its website, Freckle provides differentiated instruction. Freckel Math has over 92,000 math questions covering K-12 standards and skills. Audio and hints help students in practice. Note, these math questions are available with a teacher account, which includes the teacher dashboard with class rostering and activity tracking. A premium version includes additional features.
After taking a brief adaptive assessment, the program's algorithms provide problems at the student's skill level. Teachers can also assign specific standards to students, and generate personalized worksheets for students who might not have access to technology at home. Real-world scenarios are included in inquiry based lessons that help students discover math concepts. Detailed reports are included.
Also see Freckle for high school includes algebra 1, algebra 2, and geometry.
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