Math Topics
Learning Support
section on curriculum is part 3 of the Math Methodology series on instruction,
assessment, and curriculum design, which
Part 1: Math Methodology: Instruction
Part 2: Math Methodology: Assessment essay and resources
Part 3: Curriculum and Curriculum Mapping
In its press release of March 11, 2019, Harvard University stated:
"In recent years, education leaders have hailed curriculum choice as a low-cost way to improve student success. But in the first multi-state effort to measure textbook efficacy since the implementation of the Common Core, researchers at the Center for Education Policy Research (CEPR) at Harvard University saw no difference in the average fourth- and fifth-grade math achievement gains of schools using different elementary math textbooks. At current levels of curriculum usage and professional development, textbook choice alone does not seem to improve student achievement" (para. 1). The study, Learning by the Book, involved a sample of almost 6,000 schools and over 1,200 teachers across six states.
Results were not surprising to Robert Slavin (2019). Slavin has reviewed research on programs' effects on achievement in rigorous research, including textbooks (or curricula) and stated:
"Changing textbooks matters little, and adding extensive professional development focused on standards adds even less. Instead, strategies that engage, excite, and accommodate individual needs of students are what we find to matter a great deal, across many subjects and grade levels" (para. 10).
The Common Core State Standards (2010) address Mathematics and English Language Arts. "The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers" (CCSS Initiative Mission Statement section). Learn more about the status of the Common Core Standards in your state.
Checking for alignment to CCSS is not a perfect or easy process, as definitions of alignment vary. However, there are projects underway for vetting instructional materials.
June 1, 2011:
Common Core State Standards Mathematics Curriculum Materials Analysis Tools provides a set of three tools that will assist districts in selecting mathematics curriculum materials that support implementation of the CCSSM.
April 9, 2013:
The writing team for the Common Core State Standards in mathematics (CCSSM) finalized a set of guidelines for K-8 and high school "to support faithful CCSSM implementation by providing criteria for materials aligned to the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics" (p. 1 in both Publishers' Criteria). While meant for publishers, both documents will be valuable to school districts in reviewing previously purchased materials and tools, and for educators to review their existing teacher-developed materials and to develop new materials aligned to the standards, and for providing professional development. The following are free dowloads posted at Achieve the Core.
The K-8 Publishers' Criteria for the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics is a 22-page document with three sections:
The High School Publishers' Criteria for the Common Core Standards for Mathematics are provided within a 20-page document with criteria structured as follows:
Caution: If districts choose to purchase new materials for instruction, Julie Sarama and Douglas Clements (2013, p. 16) suggested that it is not sufficient to accept a publisher's claim that a new product is aligned to the Common Core Standards. They provided the following key questions to ask that help ensure a product meets Common Core Standards for math:
Does the program provide appropriately rigorous and coherent mathematics instruction? Does it provide teachers and students the opportunity to understand and apply the major ideas and procedures for each grade ... ?
Do the materials, tools, and digital offerings provide teachers and students a variety of ways to pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skill, and fluency?
Does the program provide opportunities for meaningful application of the Standards for Mathematical Practice? ...
Is the curriculum built on learning progressions ... from grade to grade that help students relate grade-level concepts to prior knowledge and build a solid foundation for future learning?
Does the program require students to engage in challenging mathematical thinking and problem solving, including academic discussions that explicitly use the specialized language of mathematics? Are there instances that prompt students to construct viable arguments and engage in real-world problem solving?
In general, does the program go beyond programs that were available before the advent of CCSS, rather than simply stating that it is "compatible with the CCSS," without substantive change? (p. 16)
HOT: The Instructional Materials Evaluation Tool (IMET) from Achieve the Core can be used to evaluate a comprehensive K-8 or high school mathematics textbook or textbook series in print and digital format for alignment to the CCSS. It is helpful with decisions for purchasing new texts or evaluating previously purchased materials to identify necessary modifications. Per Achieve, IMET draws directly from the following documents:
The EQuIP Review Process and Rubric: Mathematics available from Achieve the Core is a tool for evaluating lesson plans and units of instruction in K-12 mathematics for their alignment to CCSS. EQuIP stands for Educators Evaluating the Quality of Instructional Products. provides free reports on K-12 instructional materials to help in the adoption process. There are over 100 reports for math. The reviewers rely on three "gateways" that address the questions:
Caution: The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics raised Concerns Regarding the Use of EdReports Mathematics Materials Review (2015, May 20). Although both organizations support the goals of EdReports, their concerns centered around the methodology, evaluation tool, and process used. Note: Beginning in 2021, EdReports began using version 1.5 of its review tools for its published reports..
Look for rubrics that states are using for evaluating textbooks and instructional materials. For example: is gathering "free, ready-to-use classroom resources that support excellent, standards-aligned instruction for all students." Among resources for math are lessons, tasks, assessments, textbook adaptations, and a coherence map. The site recognizes three shifts for mathematics instruction: also provides Where To Focus: Math Shifts, Key Fluencies, and Major Work of Grade. This document is of particular relevance for K-8 mathematics as it provides guidance for focusing instruction at each grade level. Content emphases are identified by major clusters, supporting clusters, and additional clusters. Achieve the Core also includes tools for planning, additional materials for understanding the math, and ready-to-use modules for professional development.
Calvert Learning, a product of Edmentum, provides a project-based virtual and blended learning curriculum for K-5 learners, including for math. Per its description, "Projects are embedded throughout Calvert courses to give students opportunities to apply what they have learned to real-world situtations and develop creative problem-solving skills. Students kick off the unit with a project and revisit it as they learn new skills." Content is aligned to the Common Core and NGSS.
Common Core FlipBooks: The Kansas Association of Teachers of Math (KATM) has put together a series of "flip" books to help implement the Kansas College and Career Ready Standards for K-8 and high school mathematics. Each is a free download and is intended to help teachers understand what students must know and be able to do in relation to each standard. Sample instructional strategies and examples are included in each. Among resources used for these are the CCSS; the Arizona, Ohio, and North Carolina Departments of Education, and NCTM's Focus in Grades K-8 series.
HOT for CCSS: Curriki: Geometry Aligned to the CCSS-M Standards "is a collection of resources for a high school course in Geometry. The resources are organized by Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and reflect a ninth or tenth grade course. Both teacher facing and student facing assets are included and are of various forms, e.g. text, video, and animations" (Content section description). There are six units.
HOT for CCSS: Curriki Project Based Geometry is a free curriculum that takes a project-based approach for learning. There are several Common Core State Standards aligned projects, each of which focuses on at least two of the eight mathematical practice standards and includes a rubric for assessing mathematical practices. Teachers can select to use all or just some of the projects. Projects can be taught in any order and include technology and Web 2.0 resources "such as videos, documents, web pages, and dynamic geometry constructions, quizzes and exam suggestions for assessment, and other tools related to the project." You'll find:
HOT for CCSS: Discovery Education Math Techbook for grades 6-8, and algebra 1, geometry, algebra 2, and integrated math 1, 2, 3. These digital techbooks contain game-like activities, videos, and interactives built to address the Common Core standards. The inquiry-based approach balances conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and application to real world problems. Formative assessments are embedded and provide immediate feedback to learners.
Edmentum provides math courseware for grades 6-12 that is either aligned or built to cover 100% of the Common Core standards. High school includes algebra 1 and 2; geometry, integrated math 1, 2, and 3; precalculus, financial math, and probability & statistics. A consumer mathematics course is also available. Middle school courses are Math 6 A/B, Math 7 A/B, and Math 8 A/B. Math courses are either enabled or optimized for use on mobile devices.
eMathInstruction provides eTextbooks, answer keys, workbooks, and videos for Common Core courses in algebra 1 and 2, and geometry. There's also a course in algebra 2 + trigonometry. Lessons in pdf format can be viewed, but answer keys are subscription based. Workbooks can be purchased. Lesson videos can be viewed.
HOT for CCSS: emergent math is a blog that has some great ideas for introducing students to inquiry-based learning. Begin your exploration with A Problem Based Learning Starter Kit, posted October 30, 2013. You will also find a set of Common Core Problem Based Curriculum Maps for grades 3-11, algebra 1, geometry, and algebra 2.
EngageNY Mathematics Curriculum Modules include grades preK-8, and high school algebra 1, algebra 2, geometry, precalculus and advanced topics. Note: These are archived at the New York State Education Department website, which is no longer supporting EngageNY. However, a web-archived version of is available where the modules appear in original form.
HOT for CCSS: Exemplars: Problem Solving for the Common Core, K-5 is an online resource for instruction and assessment. Materials contain over 500 authentic open-ended problems, differentiated instructional tasks, summative assessments with anchor papers and scoring rationales, planning sheets for using tasks that include vocabulary, concepts, solutions and strategies for solving tasks, rubrics; and CCSSM alignments. There is a free 30-day trial. Exemplars also has other math resources for differentiated problem solving in preK-K and K-8, and problem solving for secondary grades 7-12.
HOT for CCSS: Georgia Department of Education Virtual Learning Shared Resources includes content aligned to Georgia Performance Standards and Common Core (where applicable). There are several math courses, each that also includes open education resources and teacher created material: Finance, AP Calculus AB and BC, Coordinate Algebra, Analytic Geometry, Geometry, Advanced Algebra, Pre-Calculus. Review (video and questions) and test taking skills are included.
HOT for CCSS: Illustrative Mathematics Project is a work in progress to produce illustrative tasks that students would be expected to do related to each of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Sections address illustrations for the K-8 and High School standards. The project is an initiative of the Institute for Mathematics & Education and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Imagine Learning Classroom (formerly LearnZillion) is subscription-based, but does offer some free videos and lessons for math.
HOT!: Inside Mathematics at The Dana Center, University of Texas, grew out of the Noyce Foundation's Silicon Valley Mathematics Initiative. It is exemplary as a professional resource for educators "passionate about improving students' mathematics learning and performance." This site features multiple tools for educators such as non-routine math problems organized by five levels of difficulty, formative re-engaging lessons, performance assessment tasks aligned to the Common Core standards (grades 2-8, algebra 1, geometry, and algebra 2), classroom videos of innovative teaching methods and insights into student learning, and social and emotional resources for math classrooms. Inside Mathematics also has a section devoted to Common Core Resources with videos, tasks, and problems aligned to each math standard in K-8 and high school organized by strands.
Khan Academy: Common Core aligned problems also feature step-by-step solutions and videos related to problems to support learning. Problems focus on conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and real-world application.
Making it Happen from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is a guide that "identifies and highlights the ways in which NCTM resources can support teachers as they implement and supplement the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics in their states."
Mathematics from McGraw-Hill includes textbooks aligned to CCSS. For example, see Everyday Mathematics and Core Plus.
Mathematics Learning Center: Bridges in Mathematics for PK-5 is a comprehensive program for implementing the Common Core Standards via an inquiry approach to math education. Per its description, "The curriculum focuses on developing students’ deep understandings of mathematical concepts, proficiency with key skills, and ability to solve complex and novel problems. Bridges blends direct instruction, structured investigation, and open exploration." It "incorporates increasingly complex visual models, including the Number Line and Array models." Bridges also features manipulatives. The Mathematics Learning Center also provides several free apps based on the visual models in Bridges.
Mathspace features adaptive learning technology for mathematics. It is "mapped to Common Core State Standards, as well as state-specific curricula for grades 3-12" (U.S. Curriculum section). It includes free interactive textbooks. There are lessons, videos, collaborative and open activities, paper-based worksheets, assessments, math questions with several solution paths, and "personalized student learning with step level adaptive support, continuous tracking and AI-powered recommendations."
Open Up Resources "is a nonprofit developing the highest quality core curricula available to districts, provided for free as Open Educational Resources (OER) to promote educational equity. [The site] partner[s] with expert authors to develop and publish superb core programs, and [it] support[s] implementations with essential services like high-quality professional development, digital and print materials, manipulative kits, and integrations with LMS systems" (FAQ section). The curriculum for Open Up Resources 6-8 Math was authored by Illustrative Mathematics. GeoGebra and Desmos applets are included in the curriculum.
Origo Education: Stepping Stones 2.0 is a core mathematics curriculum for grades K-6, available in Spanish and English. The program is aligned to Common Core Standards. You can also determine how it links to your state standards. Per the site, "Each lesson is structured to help your students develop a deep conceptual understanding of math through the deliberate use of spaced learning, and multiple representations with a focus on language and discourse." Print and digital resources are available, and supplementary resources. Origo also offers Stepping Stones Pre-K.
Progressions for the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (2023) describe the progression of topics within strands across K-8 and high school. "They can explain why standards are sequenced the way they are, point out cognitive difficulties and pedagogical solutions, and give more detail on particularly knotty areas of the mathematics. This would be useful in teacher preparation and professional development, organizing curriculum, and writing textbooks" (About this project, as posted at Achieve). Note: Bill McCallum, chair of the Work Team for the Progressions, posted this final version of 2023 at his website,
HOT: Redbird Learning: Mathematics for grades K-7 at McGraw Hill was originally developed by Stanford University using 25 years of research into personalized learning. It "features the latest in adaptive instruction, gamification, and digital project-based learning. It is designed to meet the requirements of national and state math standards (Focus, Coherence, and Rigor)." Further, "Applications appear throughout courses, in the form of contextualized problems and STEM projects." (Pedagogy for Redbird Mathematics section).
Savvas Learning Company:
Utah Education Network Open Education Resources for Secondary Mathematics includes textbooks aligned to the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics. The texts take an integrated approach and task-based approach to the study of mathematics. Also see the Mathematics Vision Project for the Secondary I, II, and III, Algebra, Geometry, Algebra II student textbooks and teacher editions, and the honors texts and teacher editions for those, which are freely available. There are performance tasks and "ready-set-go assignments." The series takes a multi-tasking approach to learning. That is, each task addresses more than one standard and each standard is addressed in more than one task. Tasks are sequenced using the Comprehensive Mathematics Instruction framework: develop understanding, solidify understanding, and practice understanding.
More and more districts are turning to digital resources for learning. Some are seeking to reduce expenditures for purchasing print-based textbooks, and are turning to online textbooks or are developing their own content posted in repositories for learning (e.g., within wikis and blogs). Educators are sharing resources, such as lesson plans, assessments, interactive content, websites, classroom teaching videos, curriculum units, and more.
Per Fletcher, Schaffhauser, and Levin (2012), there are many benefits of digital content for learning:
"Digital content can easily be kept up to date and relevant to students’ lives without the cost of reprinting or redistributing print materials such as a textbook (although digital content can be printed out when the need is there). It can be made available anytime and anywhere, both online and offline, accessible when the student, teacher, or parent needs it, whether from home, school, or another location. And digital content can be far richer and engaging, including not only text, but also high-definition graphics, video clips, animations, simulations, interactive lessons, virtual labs, and online assessments. The primary benefit of digital content is its flexibility. ... The key to realizing the flexibility benefit is open educational resources (OER)." (p. 7)
The Hewlett Foundation (n.d.) defined OER as follows:
"OER are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others. Open educational resources include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge."
The use of OER resources is on the rise, as educators can "reuse, remix, and generally customize any OER to specific students’ needs" (Fletcher, Schaffhauser, & Levin, 2012, p. 8), thus personalizing learning.
Such "re-purposing" activities prompt questions about ensuring quality of those resources and maintaining standards in the curriculum. Then Pearson School CEO Peter Cohen (cited in Schaffhauser, 2012) suggested several aspects of quality of curriculum, which publishers might be better able to address on the whole. This is not to diminish the value of content developed by teachers and shared in repositories, however. Consider:
David Wiley (cited in Schaffhauser, 2012, pp. 29-30) added the issue of assessments, and not just pdf files of quizzes and tests. How well does the open education resource address diagnostic assessments or mastery of content?
NCTM (2016) stated its position on Curricular Coherence and Open Education Resources:
"A coherent, well-articulated curriculum is an essential tool for guiding teacher collaboration, goal-setting, analysis of student thinking, and implementation. In a time when open educational resources are increasingly available, it is imperative that teachers be provided with curricular materials that clearly lay out well-reasoned organizations of student learning progressions with regard to mathematical content and reasoning." (p. 1)
Although there are advantages to using OER, NCTM (2016) did note risks:
If you are considering OER, read Measuring the hidden costs of OER by Jennifer Gibson (2018). Beyond being free, Gibson noted that districts also need to consider implementation, management, and ongoing costs associated with OER. Key questions consider the creator's development cost and who paid it, the educational expertise of the creator, any use of advertisements in the OER, if and how the material will be updated and maintained, and the creator's long-term funding to continue the OER. At the district end, "Who will search, vett, modify, align and maintain the OER?" Districts will need to consider student safety, the OER support of diverse learners, differentiation and personalization, the OER's alignment to standards and frameworks, and how well the OER enables educators to monitor and measure students' mastery of standards. Consider professional development for the OER. Any required printing of an OER will add to the cost as well.
Achieve (2011) developed Rubrics for Evaluating Open Education Resource (OER) Objects. Per its description, "An object could include images, applets, lessons, units, assessments and more. ... The rubrics in this packet can be applied across content areas and object types" (para. 1). Eight rubrics are included.
Guide to the Use of Open Educational Resources in K-12 and Post Secondary Education (2013) from the Software & Information Industry Association.
OER State Policy in K-12 Education: Benefits, Strategies, and Recommendations for Open Access, Open Sharing from iNACOL (2013), the International Association for K-12 Online Learning. The report contains seven policy recommendations and the following "key principles to consider in enabling sharing of learning materials:
Note: Effective October 28, 2019, iNACOL changed its name to the Aurora Institute to reflect its shift in focus from educational technology to competency-based, personalized learning.
The U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology is encouraging states, districts, and educators to use open educational resources through its Open Education Initiative (2015). The department believes such resources increase equity, help schools to save money, keep content relevant and high quality, and empower teachers to be able to "customize learning materials to meet the needs of their students without breaking copyright laws" (Open Education Initiative, Why Use Openly Licensed Educational Resources? section).
The Guide to Quality Instructional Materials (2018) from the State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) "provides guidance to state, district, and school level leaders in the selection of high quality instructional materials that are aligned to standards, address education goals and are accessible for all students." You'll find several state rubrics, state repositories, a comprehensive section on OER, and much more.
SETDA also includes the dashboard to its K-12 Instructional Materials database, which includes "state reviewed, full course [digital and print] instructional materials for English/Language Arts and math at the secondary level. Resources can be sorted by state, content area, subject area, grade level, format, publisher and copyright date. Educators and publishers can discover reviewed, core instructional materials from a variety of states and identify trends in instructional materials across multiple states. This dashboard was developed as a resource for state, district and school leaders from all states as they consider selecting new instructional materials." (Dashboard section)
ACC Learn OER is an online self-paced course with 10 modules developed by Carrie Gits of the Austin Community College Library Services. Content includes topics such as Understanding OER, Why OER, an Introduction to Open Licensing, Finding and Evaluating OER, Accessibility, Creative Commons Licensing; Adapting, Creating, & Sharing OER. Also Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) vs. OER is addressed. The last module is an assessment.
OpenLearn has a free course for creating open educational resources produced by The Open University. You can complete it online in about 15 hours or download it for use offline.
The National Research and Training Center on Blindness and Low Vision at Mississippi State University contains resources and information for making your documents more accessible.
CT4ME has an entire section devoted to Standards, which help identify content for grade levels for states. The following additional resources address content and curriculum frameworks and open educational resources.
Carnegie Learning includes Core and Supplemental Math solutions. provides open-source content in multiple subjects. Content is tagged for searches. You can also search by subject, level, instructional type, file type, and special filters. This repository has several thousand resources in the math collection alone. open education resources for students. CK-12 creates and aggregates high quality STEM content. Multimedia elements include learning objects with text, video, audio, images, quizzes, and interactivity. This is a great sources for creating Flexbooks.
eSpark Learning is an "online supplemental curriculum resource that differentiates K-5 math and reading instruction at each student’s level. With eSpark, teachers can assign pre-built, leveled resources to easily target specific standards and skills. Students can also learn at their own pace on their personalized, adaptive pathways" (FAQ section). It is research-based, closely aligned to state standards, includes an initial placement diagnostic quiz, and has support for English language learners. Multimedia includes engaging games, videos, digital activities and quizzes. Two versions are available: eSpark Lite and eSpark Premium.
is an open resource for personalized learning, which offers free educational
resources for middle school through college. Multimedia content includes
videos, animation, and simulations in multiple subjects. Math includes
arithmetic, algebra and geometry, calculus and advanced math, statistics and
probability. Users do not need to register or sign-in to use the site.
Content provided at HippoCampus is created by other institutions and contributed
to the site for distribution. The site is powered by the
NROC Project. Individual instructors can
create custom playlists to better meet the needs for groups of students.
Illustrative Mathematics offers Math Curriculum for elementary, middle and high school.
Lincoln Learning Solutions offers multiple standards-aligned K-12 courses (including electives) that fit virtual, blended, hybrid, and home schooling models. Its state-specific core courses include mathematics, English language arts, social studies, and science. Per its Curriculum Overview, "By default, state courses contain a mixture of auto-graded assessments with automatic feedback that are scored by the learning management system, as well as teacher-graded assessments, where appropriate, in the courses and in the Mastery Assessments. Some courses also include a hidden folder containing additional activities where students can apply their knowledge across concepts by creating authentic work." The Content Bank includes 110K vetted resources.
MERLOT provides peer-reviewed online teaching and learning materials in numerous categories. Education, and mathematics/statistics are among those.
Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL). In particular see the section for Resources.
MIT OpenCourseWare program has made available free lecture notes, exams, and other resources from its entire curriculum. See Highlights for High School Students for MIT OpenCourseWare materials that are most useful for high school students and teachers.
MyMathLab from Pearson includes "ready to go" courses that create "personalized learning experiences that help each student better absorb course material, and it offers the broadest range of textbooks available for online learning and assessment in Math"--over 240 titles. Courses "come with pre-assigned assignments covering each chapter and section, along with the traditional course offering for each book." Course areas range from developmental math (basic math, prealgebra, algebra, etc.) to calculus and technical math.
OER Commons includes open education resources from pre-K to graduate school: arts, business, mathematics and statistics, humanities, science and technology, and social sciences. The teaching and learning materials are freely available online for everyone to use. Examples of OER include: full courses, course modules, syllabi, lectures, homework assignments, quizzes, lab and classroom activities, pedagogical materials, games, simulations, and many more resources contained in digital media collections from around the world. The site uses Web 2.0 features (tags, ratings, comments, reviews, and social networking) to help educators in sharing their best teaching and learning practices.
Ontario Ministry of Education (CA) curriculum documents.
Open Culture includes free math courses from top universities. You can download these audio and video courses ranging from algebra to calculus and statistics. Other content areas are included.
OpenTextBookStore is not a publisher of open source textbooks. Rather, this is a source of publicly available open source textbooks selected because they "are really adoptable and ready to use." Within the Catalog section are math textbooks for arithmetic (for upper level and college learners), prealgebra, algebra, precalculus, calculus, and statistics. For higher math, there are texts for linear algebra and differential equations, and a text on Math in Society.
Pennsylvania Department of Education Standards Aligned System (SAS) is a web-based digital learning library for educators to help them ensure that all students achieve. SAS contains digital assets (e.g., text, software, photos, video, graphics, music, and sound) by subject area and grade level, which are aligned to Pennsylvania academic content standards. However, educators in any state can benefit from resources identified, which include lesson plans, assessments, curriculum frameworks tied to big ideas, concepts, competencies, and essential questions; interventions, and instruction. Curriculum frameworks include the four major content areas (mathematics, science, social studies, reading-writing-speaking-listening). Learning progressions span grades K-12 and include what all students should know and be able to do through grades K-8 and by taking specific courses in grades 9-12. The math courses included are Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry. The collection contains content created nationally and locally. has online math courses in pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, statistics, precalculus, calculus, college math and more. These feature video lessons from experienced educators, transcripts of those lessons, supplementary content, quizzes, and exams. Learners can potentially earn college credit.
TeachTown enCORE special education curriculum is appropriate for kindergarten through grade 12. It "provides students with moderate and severe disabilities access to the general education curriculum" based on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). It includes lesson plans in English language arts, math, science, and social studies, integrates technology, and comes with teacher editions, assessment manuals, student workbooks, a literature library, and manipulatives kit.
Unlock Math of Ontario, Canada offers a virtual math curriculum for grades 6-12, categorized into Foundations, Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and Pre-Calculus. It features videos, interactive and adaptive testing, automated grading, progress reports, and chat support. Pricing options are available.
Utah Education Network Open Educational Resources
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Achieve. (2011, November 18). Rubrics for evaluating open education resource (OER) objects (v4).
Common Core State Standards. (2010). Standards for Mathematical Practice. Washington, DC: National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers.
Fletcher, G., Schaffhauser, D, & Levin, D. (2012). Out of print: Reimagining the K-12 textbook in a digital age. Washington, DC: State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA).
Harvard University. (2019, March 11). Study finds curriculum alone does not improve student outcomes [Press release].
Hewlett Foundation. (n.d.). OER defined.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2016, October). Curricular coherence and open educational resources. Reston, VA: Author.
Sarama, J., & Clements, D. (2013,April). Do we have alignment? Tech & Learning, 33(9),16. Note: open the full issue and go to page 16.
Schaffhauser, D. (2012, April). Quality control: Maintaining standards in a digital world. THE Journal, 39(3), 27-30.
Slavin, R. (2019, March 28). Do different textbooks have different effects on student achievement? Robert Slavin's Blog.
U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology. (2015). Open education initiative.
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