Math Topics
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Select the cluster for resources on this page:
Technology-enhanced investigations: Math Dictionary and * Key vocabulary for this domain. Use with GMD-A and GMD-B:
circle | volume | pyramid | limit |
circumference of a circle | cylinder | sphere | solid |
area of a circle | cone | Cavalieri's principle | solid of revolution |
2- & 3- dimensions |
cross-section* | formula | axis of rotation |
Thinking Mathematics: videos on YouTube.
Imagine Learning Classroom (formerly LearnZillion) subscription needed:
Math Open Reference: Solid Geometry unit on cubes, pyramids, cylinders, cones, spheres, conic sections, prisms, and other polyhedra. Manipulatives are included.
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives: Platonic Solids, Verify Vertices, Faces, Edges of five Solids (Java required)
Wolfram MathWorld: Circle
Zachary Abel's Blog: Three-Cornered Things: Cavalieri's Principle: Proof for computing the surface area of a sphere with graphical illustrations. Use with GMD-A.2.
National Math and Science Initiative: Lesson: Using Linear Equations to Define Geometric Solids: Use this lesson for geometry within a unit on volume applications. Students write the equations of lines and graph linear equations that define bounded regions, calculate the areas and perimeters of the regions, revolve the planar regions about horizontal and vertical lines to create solids, and calculate the volumes of the resulting solids; they use technology (virtual manipulatives) to create and revolve planar figures about horizontal and vertical lines and model the conceptual understanding using a real world situation. Targeted standards include GMD-A.3, GMD-B.4, GPE-B.7 and MG-A.1. Common Core Math Practice standards 1-7 are also addressed.
Shodor Interactivate: Function Revolution: "This 3-dimensional model allows users to explore functions and their revolution around an axis. Once one or two functions have been rotated around an axis, the applet calculates the surface area and volume for the resulting solid." Aligns with GMD-A. video (Free complete lesson): Algebra: Formulas From Geometry. Multiple formulas and concepts are covered. Among those are circles (radius, diameter, circumference, area), prisms (volume), pyramids (volume), cones (slant height, lateral surface area, total surface area, volume), cylinders (lateral surface area, total surface area, volume), and spheres (surface area and volume). Note: Additional formulas address angles (complementary & supplementary), triangles (perimeter and area), isosceles triangles, equilateral triangles, right triangles, Pythagorean Theorem, similar triangles perimeter and area formulas for quadrilaterals (square, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezoid). Some diagonal formulas, too, where applicable are included.
Wolfram Demonstrations Project: Download the free Wolfram CDF player to interact with the following manipulatives. Note: Within the Wolfram Demonstration Project are 15 manipulatives addressing GMD-A.1, 5 manipulatives addressing GMD-A.2, and 6 manipulatives addressing GMD-A.3. Among those:
Multiple Choice:
Geometry 3-D Shapes is an interactive from Annenberg Learner intended for grades 6-8, although other grades can benefit. Students can interactively learn about three-dimensional shapes, calculate surface area and volume, and discover some of the mathematical properties of shapes. It comes with a glossary, tutorials, and an interactive test.
Khan Academy: Volume and Surface Area unit. Practice questions with videos:, Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinders, Cones, Spheres: Lessons and multiple choice matching problems: Solid Geometry: Content explains properties of solids (platonic, prisms, pyramids, spheres, cones, cyliners) and formulas for their volumes and surface areas. Virtual manipulatives are included to view 3D via a spin or drag (e.g., platonic solids, cylinder, cone) and deconstruct some of those. Following each section are multiple choice problems for using formulas. Aligns with GMD-A.
Constructed-response: Fill in the blank practice problems, including word problems. Be sure to show the related AlgebraLab documents for lessons and additional practice problems on each topic.
Khan Academy: HSG-G-GMD includes HSG-GMD.A.1 through HSG-GMD.A.3 Common Core aligned problems.
Also see the Volume and Surface Area unit with multiple choice and constructed response practice questions with videos. Volume of Common Solids: Students learn how to calculate the volume of common solids to include definition of volume, prisms, cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres. Following each lesson, there is a quizmaster. Fill-in and check answers. After all lessons, there is a Volume Tour quiz on volumes for all figures. Note: Lesson ideas are provided for teachers who are interested in having students discover the volume formulas. Aligns with GMD-A.3. MATHguide also includes Surface Area of Common Solids.
Shodor Interactivate: Surface Area and Volume: A virtual manipulative allowing learners to rotate prisms accompanies this quiz on finding volumes and surface areas of rectangular prisms and triangular prisms.
Performance tasks:
Illustrative Mathematics: Geometry:
Mathematics Assessment Project: High School: Geometry:
Mathematics Vision Project, Secondary 2 Student Edition:
Technology-enhanced investigations:
Cabri: This is software to understand 3D geometry in the classroom. Use with GMD-B.4.
GeoGebra: 2D to 3D and Cross Section applets, including supporting videos. Aligns with GMD-B.4.
Imagine Learning Classroom (formerly LearnZillion) subscription needed: Lesson set: Identify the shapes of 2D cross-sections of 3D objects and identify 3D objects generated by rotations of 2D objects: Five video lessons: Visualize cross-sections of prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones; predict 3D results of rotating simple figures. Aligns with GMD-B.4.
National Math and Science Initiative: Lesson: Using Linear Equations to Define Geometric Solids: Use this lesson for geometry within a unit on volume applications. Students write the equations of lines and graph linear equations that define bounded regions, calculate the areas and perimeters of the regions, revolve the planar regions about horizontal and vertical lines to create solids, and calculate the volumes of the resulting solids; they use technology (virtual manipulatives) to create and revolve planar figures about horizontal and vertical lines and model the conceptual understanding using a real world situation. Targeted standards include GMD-A.3, GMD-B.4, GPE-B.7 and MG-A.1. Common Core Math Practice standards 1-7 are also addressed.
WisWeb: Applets. Click on the Lathe under applets. Learners can create 3D solids of revolution. They first make a line and then rotate it with this applet to see all views. Use with GMD-B.4.
Wolfram Demonstrations Project: Download the free Wolfram CDF player to interact with the following manipulatives. Note: Within the Wolfram Demonstration Project are 32 manipulatives addressing GMD-B.4. Among those:
Multiple Choice:
CK-12: Faces, Edges, and Vertices of Solids: Practice questions with review content and video. Aligns with GMD-B.4.
Khan Academy: HSG-G-GMD includes HSG-GMD.B.4 Common Core aligned problems.
Also see practice questions with videos: Cross sections of 3D objects also includes rotating 2D objects in 3D: Aligns with MG-A.3 and GMD-B.4.
Test your spatial reasoning with the following free tests:
Performance tasks:
Illustrative Mathematics: Geometry:
Mathematics Assessment Project: High School: Geometry:
Mathematics Vision Project, Secondary 3 Student Edition:
Common Core Math: Intro | HS Geometry Domain: CO | SRT | C | GPE | GMD | MG |