Common Core High School Geometry Teaching and Learning Resources
Domain: GPE: Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations

Select the cluster for resources on this page:

GPE-A: Translate between the geometric description and the equation
for a conic section
- GPE-A.1. Derive the equation of a circle of
given center and radius using the Pythagorean. Theorem; complete the
square to find the center and radius of a circle given by an
- GPE-A.2. Derive the equation of a parabola
given a focus and directrix.
- GPE-A.3. (+) Derive the equations of
ellipses and hyperbolas given the foci, using the fact that the sum
or difference of distances from the foci is constant.
Technology-enhanced investigations:
Mathwords.com: Math Dictionary:
Key vocabulary for this domain. Use
with GPE-A and GPE-B:
CK-12: Geometry:
Circles in the Coordinate Plane: Concepts for writing the equation
of the circle, video, and practice problems for learners to complete.
Imagine Learning Classroom (formerly LearnZillion) subscription
- Lesson set:
Understand and use equations for circles:
Three video lessons: How to derive the
equation of a circle using the Pythagorean Theorem, find the center and
radius of a circle, and how to change an equation of a circle into its
standard form using the completing the square method. Aligns with
- Lesson set:
Derive the equation of a circle using the Pythagorean Theorem:
Four video lessons: Define a circle, derive the equation of the
circle centered at the origin or (h,k), translate the equation
of a circle from general form to standard form. Aligns
with GPE-A.1.
- Lesson set:
Derive the equation of a circle, and complete the square to find
the center and radius: Six video lessons: Find distances
between points using the distance formula, relate points on a
circle to the center, understand the standard form equation for
circles, complete the square, solve quadratic equations by
completing the square, find the center and radius of a circle by
completing the square. Aligns with GPE-A.1.
Thinking Mathematics:
The Equation of a Circle:
A video on YouTube.
A. Dendane: Analyze Math: Select the following, which align with
- Equation
of a Circle: HTML5 Applet to explore the equation of a circle in standard
center-radius form and the properties of the circle.
Tutorial on Equation of a Circle: Tutorials with detailed solutions to examples and matched
exercises on finding equation of a circle, radius and center.
Detailed explanations are also provided. Aligns with GPE-A.1.
- Construct a Parabola: This applet explores the use of the definition
of the parabola to create its graph from a directrix and focus.
- Equation of
a Parabola: This is an applet to explore the equation
of a parabola and its properties. The equation used is the standard
equation that has the form (y - k)2= 4a(x - h). Related
applications of the parabola are included.
- Equation of Hyperbola:
The equation and properties of a hyperbola are explored
interactively using an applet. Learners can investigate
the hyperbola definition, foci, vertices, and asymptotes. The
equation used has the form x2/a2 - y2/b2 = 1
Math Open Reference:
- Ellipse:
This applet visually shows the generation of the ellipse from its
definition. Content includes major properties of the ellipse.
General Equation of the Ellipse: This applet shows changes in
the equation of an ellipse by manipulating the center, and lengths
of major and minor axes.
Math Warehouse:
PhET Interactive Simulations:
Graphing Quadratics.
Explore including standard form, vertex form, and focus/directrix. Aligns with IF-C.7,
IF-C.7.a, IF-C.8, IF-C.8.a, and GPE-A.2.
Purple Math: These lessons focus on finding curves, given points and other
details; finding points and other details, given curves; and setting up
and solving conic equations to solve typical word problems:
Shodor Interactivate:
- Conic
Flyer Equations: This is a lesson using the geometric
interpretations of the various conic sections to explain their
equations. Aligns with GPE-A.
- Conic Flyer
is a virtual manipulative for learners to "manipulate different types of conic
section equations on a coordinate plane using slider bars. Learn how
each constant and coefficient affects the resulting graph. Choose from
vertical or horizontal parabola, circle, ellipse, and vertical or
horizontal hyperbola." Aligns with GPE-A.
Cross Sections: This lesson utilizes the concepts of
cross-sections of three-dimensional figures to demonstrate the
derivation of two-dimensional shapes. Among objectives are
that students learn the difference between ellipses, parabolas,
hyperbolas, and circles as they relate to conic sections.
Aligns with GPE-A.
Cross Section Flyer: Use this virtual manipulative to explore
cross sections of different geometric solids: cone, double cone,
cylinder, pyramid, and prism. Manipulate the cross section with
slider bars, and see how the graphical representation changes.
Aligns with GPE-A.
Wolfram Demonstrations Project:
Download the free Wolfram CDF player
to interact with the following manipulatives. Note: Within the
Wolfram Demonstration Project are
1 manipulative addressing GPE-A.1,
7 manipulatives addressing GPE-A.2 and
11 manipulatives addressing GPE-A.3. Among those:
Standard form of the equation of a circle: Aligns with
GPE-A.1, GPE-B.4, CO-A.2.
Parabolic Mirror: Explore definition of parabola using focus
and directrix. Aligns with GPE-A.2.
Locus of Points Definition of an Ellipse, Hyperbola, Parabola,
and Oval of Cassini: Aligns with GPE-A.2, GPE-A.3.
Ellipses and Hyperbolas with the Same Focal Points:
Aligns with GPE-A.2, GPE-A.3.
Conic Sections: Equations and Graphs
of ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas. Aligns with
GPE-A.2, GPE-A.3.
Conic section curves: Aligns with GPE-A.2, GPE-A.3.
Conic sections: The double cone:
Circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas are called conic sections
because each one is the intersection of a double cone and an inclined
plane. Aligns with GPE-A.3.
Conic sections: Move foci: Observe affect on the curve.
Aligns with GPE-A.3.
Multiple Choice:
Algebra Lab:
Conic Sections: Circles: Lesson on deriving the equations of circles and
relating those to their graphs. Learners see how a circle
is formed by passing a plane through a cone. Worked
examples are presented, followed by problems for learners to
complete. Aligns with GPE-A.1.
- Writing the Equation of a Circle: 10
practice problems for learners to complete given the center and radius.
Aligns with GPE-A.1.
Focus and Directrix: Lesson in which learners see a worked
example for deriving the equation of the parabola from its
definition using a focus and directrix and worked examples
involving the equation of the parabola and finding the vertex,
focus, and directrix. They then complete associated
problems. Aligns with GPE-A.2.
- Conic Sections: Ellipses: Lesson
in which learners see an ellipse formed by a
plane passing through a cone and a specific derivation of the equation
of an ellipse with given foci and constant sum of distances from a point
on the ellipse to the foci. This helps learners better relate to a
general derivation of the equation of the ellipse from its definition.
Several worked examples are provided for writing equations of the
ellipse and identifying its properties. These are followed by
problems for learners to complete. Aligns with GPE-A.3.
Conic Sections: Hyperbolas: Lesson in which learners see how the
hyperbola is formed by a plane passing through a cone. The
general derivation of equation of the hyperbola is presented,
along with worked examples of writing equations and identifying
properties. Learners then complete related problems.
Aligns with GPE-A.3.
Khan Academy: HSG-G-GPE
includes HSG-GPE.A.1 through HSG-GPE.A.3 Common Core aligned problems.
Also see the
Conic Sections unit with practice questions with videos.
the standard
equation of a circle: Given graph or its features (e.g.,
radius, center). Aligns with GPE-A.1.
Equation of a circle in
standard (factored) form:
Find center and radius from given equation. Aligns with GPE-A.1.
Equation of a circle in
expanded (non-factored) form:
Complete the square of given equation to find center and radius. Aligns with GPE-A.1.
of a Parabola from a focus and directrix: Work with focus and directrix
to find equation of parabola. Aligns with GPE-A.2.
Equation of an ellipse: Given equation, find center, major
radius, minor radius. Aligns with GPE-A.3.
Equation of an ellipse from features: Given some features
(e.g., vertices, foci), find the equation. Aligns with
Equation of a hyperbola from features: Given some features
(e.g., vertices, foci), find the equation. Aligns with
Performance tasks:
Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework:
Pre-Calculus Unit
6: Conics. This unit contains eight tasks: Our Only Focus: Circles and Parabolas Review, The
Focus is the Foci: Ellipses and Hyperbolas, Deriving the General Equation of a Parabola, Parabolas in Other Directions, Writing the Equations of
Parabolas, The Intersection of a Line and a Quadratic, A Conic Application,
and Culminating Task: Dr. Cone's New House.
Tasks align with GPE-A.1, GPE-A.2, and GPE-A.3, and algebra standard
Illustrative Mathematics:
Mathematics Assessment Project:
High School: Geometry:
Task 406:
Equations of Circles 1
Mathematics Vision Project,
2 Student Edition:
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GPE-B: Use coordinates to prove simple geometric theorems
- GPE-B.4. Use coordinates to prove simple geometric theorems
algebraically. For example, prove or disprove that a figure
defined by four given points in the coordinate plane is a rectangle;
prove or disprove that the point (1, √3) lies on the circle centered
at the origin and containing the point (0, 2).
- GPE-B.5. Prove the slope criteria for parallel and perpendicular
lines and use them to solve geometric problems (e.g., find the
equation of a line parallel or perpendicular to a given line that
passes through a given point).
- GPE-B.6. Find the point on a directed line segment between two
given points that partitions the segment in a given ratio.
- GPE-B.7. Use coordinates to compute perimeters of polygons and
areas of triangles and rectangles, e.g., using the distance formula.
Technology-enhanced investigations:
Imagine Learning Classroom (formerly LearnZillion) subscription
needed: Lesson set:
Apply the coordinate plane to geometry:
Two video lessons: How to prove whether a figure is
a rectangle in the coordinate plane and whether a point is on a circle.
Aligns with GPE-B.4.
Math Open Reference:
Geometry includes the introduction to coordinate geometry, and
addresses multiple topics in coordinate geometry related to points,
lines, planes, polygons, circles, and ellipses.
Math Warehouse: Coordinate Geometry:
Using the coordinate plane in proofs: This is an interactive demonstrating how
to do coordinate proofs. Do the proofs (perpendicular segments,
trapezoid is not isosceles, and rectangle, parallelogram) and see the answers.
Aligns with GPE-B.4.
National Math and Science Initiative: Lesson:
Using Linear Equations to Define Geometric Solids:
Use this lesson for geometry within a unit on volume applications.
Students write the equations of lines and graph linear equations that
define bounded regions, calculate the areas and perimeters of the
regions, revolve the planar regions about horizontal and vertical lines
to create solids, and calculate the volumes of the resulting solids;
they use technology (virtual manipulatives) to create and revolve planar
figures about horizontal and vertical lines and model the conceptual
understanding using a real world situation. Targeted standards
include GMD-A.3, GMD-B.4, GPE-B.7 and MG-A.1. Common Core Math
Practice standards 1-7 are also addressed.
Wolfram Demonstrations Project:
Download the free Wolfram CDF player
to interact with the following manipulatives. Note: Within the
Wolfram Demonstration Project are
2 manipulatives addressing GPE-B.4,
1 manipulative addressing GPE-B.5, and
4 manipulatives addressing GPE-B.7. Among those:
Multiple Choice:
Khan Academy: Practice questions with videos.
AlgebraLab.org: Algebra I:
Distance and Midpoint Formulas. Study aids with examples and
practice problems (short answer and T/F). Given two ordered pairs,
determine length of a segment and midpoint. Given three ordered pairs,
determine if the vertices form a right triangle.
Khan Academy:
includes HSG-GPE.B.4 through HSG-GPE.B.7 Common Core aligned problems.
Also see the following practice questions with videos.
L. Spector: The Math Page: Skill in Algebra. Students see
worked examples of concepts and following the presentation within each
section, students are presented problems in constructed response form.
They would solve using paper-pencil and then by using their mouse to
roll over a box, they see the solution to problems presented.
- Lesson 31:
Rectangular Coordinates: Use with standard GPE-B.4.
- Lesson 32:
Pythagorean Distance Formula: Distance of a point from the
origin, distance between points, and proof of Pythagorean
theorem. Use with standard GPE-B.7.
- Lesson 34:
slope of a straight line: Includes the slope intercept form
of the equation of a straight line, the general form; parallel
and perpendicular lines; the point-slope formula and the
two-point formula. Use with standard GPE-B.5.
Performance tasks:
Illustrative Mathematics:
Mathematics Assessment Project:
High School: Geometry:
Task 226:
Finding Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Mathematics Vision Project,
Secondary 1 Student Edition:
6: Congruence, Construction, and Proof: This module
contains 14 classroom tasks. Geometry standards addressed in
Module 5 include CO-A.1, CO-A.2, CO-A.3, CO-A.4, CO-A.5 and CO-B.6,
CO-B.7, CO-B.8, and CO-D.12, CO-D.13, and GPE-B.5. Task 2: Is
It Right?; and Task 5: Leap Year align with GPE-B.5.
7: Connecting Algebra and Geometry: This module contains
six classroom tasks. Three tasks in Module 6 each address the
function standards BF-A.1, BF-B.3, and IF-C.9. The other three
tasks address geometry standards GPE-B.4, GPE-B.5, and GPE-B.7.
Task 1: Go the Distance aligns with GPE-B.7. Task 2:
Slippery Slopes align with GPE-B.5. Task 3: Prove It! aligns
with GPE-B.4.
NCTM's Reasoning and Sense Making Task Library: As the Crow Flies
"is designed to help students develop an understanding of the meaning of
the [distance] formula. It would be appropriate as an introduction (or
review) of the distance formula for students who are familiar with the
Pythagorean theorem and coordinate systems." Learners "compute the
distance between two locations in a city with the streets laid out on an
evenly spaced square grid." Aligns with GPE-B.4, GPE-B.7, and math
practice standards MP-2, MP-4, and MP-7.

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Common Core Math:
Intro | HS Geometry Domain: CO | SRT | C | GPE | GMD | MG |