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Common Core High School Functions Teaching and Learning Resources

Domain: TF: Trigonometric Functions

Common Core Math

Select the cluster for resources on this page:

  • TF-A: Extend the domain of trigonometric functions using the unit circle

  • TF-B: Model periodic phenomena with trigonometric functions

  • TF-C: Prove and apply trigonometric identities

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TF-A: Extend the domain of trigonometric functions using the unit circle



Technology-enhanced investigations: Math Dictionary: Key vocabulary for this domain.  Use with TF-A, TF-B, TF-C:

amplitude inverse function Pythagorean identities unit circle trig definitions
cosine inverse trig function radian trig functions
domain odd function and even function sine trig identities
frequency of periodic function periodic function tangent trig values of special angles


A. Dendane: Analyze Math: Online calculator to convert degrees to radians (or radians to degrees) with visual on a circle.  It includes math content to explain the theory.  Aligns with TF-A.2.

  • Trigonometric Graphs and the Unit Circle: Help students develop a sound understanding of the three basic trigonometric functions using the unit circle as a reference.  Learners can also see reciprocal trig functions.
  • The Unit Circle:  Learns can generate values of all six trig functions as a point moves around the unit circle.  The applet is shown in degrees.
  • The Unit Circle exact values generated for angles in radians and degrees.
  • Ferris Wheel Unit Circle: Create a graph of the height of a seat on a Ferris wheel to explore the sine function and characteristics of the unit circle. Users can pivot the Ferris wheel to emphasize the change in height of a seat, show the sine and cosine functions, turn on coordinates, degrees, and/or radians associated with the eight benchmark points on the unit circle, and see values for sine, cosine, and tangent of the seat position.

Interactive Mathematics: Trigonometric Functions begins with a discussion of types of angles, then delves into sine, cosine, tangent and their reciprocals, values of trig functions, the right triangle and applications, trig functions of any angles, radians and their applications, and radians and trig ratios.  Use with TF-A.

Khan Academy: Trig equations and identities

Imagine Learning Classroom (formerly LearnZillion) subscription needed:

  • Lesson set: Extend trigonometric functions to all real numbers using the unit circle.  Five video lessons: Understanding the wrapping function using the unit circle, find trig values for angles using reference triangles, understand quadrantal angles by examining x and y values near them, graph f(x) = sinx and g(x) = cosx using the unit circle, graph trig functions using a graphing calculator.  Aligns with TF-A.2.
  • Lesson set: Explain how the unit circle in the coordinate plane enables the extension of trigonometric functions to all real numbers.  Six video lessons: Find trig ratios of angles in the coordinate plane, find values of trig functions using the unit circle, determine the signs of trig functions by identifying coordinate signs, evaluate trig functions of angles in all four quadrants; find sine, cosine, tangent of angles on the x and y axes, determine the domain of the six trig functions using ratio denominators.  Aligns with TF-A.2.
  • Lesson set: Choose trigonometric functions to model periodic phenomena.  Five video lessons: Graph the sinusoidal functions by plotting points; stretch and transform by shifting sinusoidal functions horizontally and vertically; graph tangent, secant, cosecant, cotangent by drawing sine and cosine graphs; model periodic phenomena using the trigonometric functions.  Aligns with TF-A.4.

Mathispower4u: Trigonometry Videos is an extensive collection on nearly every topic in trig from James Sousa.  Aligns with TF-A, TF-B, and TF-C.

NCTM Illuminations: Pi Fight: Get comfortable with radians and degrees.  Aligns with TF-A.

PatrickJMT video on YouTube: A Way to Remember the Entire Unit Circle for Trigonometry.

PhET Simulations: Trig Tour.  This simulation shows the relationship between the unit circle and the graphs of the trig functions.  You can explore it in either degrees or radians.  It also examines trig values of special angles.  Aligns with TF-A.2, TF-A.3, and TF-A.4.

Teaching Channel Video: Ferris Wheel: Trigonometric Functions.  Lesson objectives: Model how a trigonometric function describes the relationship of a Ferris wheel rider as the wheel spins at a constant rate with relationship to the height of the rider from the ground.  Discern the relationship between the given measure and the period, phase, offset and amplitude of a cosine function.  Questions for learners to consider are included.  Use with BF-A.1.b, BF-B.3, and TF-A.1.

Thinking Mathematics:

Walter Fendt: Math Applets: Sine, Cosine, and Tangent of an Angle: Use this applet to demonstrate how the graphs of these functions are generated as a point moves counterclockwise around the unit circle.

Wolfram Demonstrations Project: Download the free Wolfram CDF player to interact with the following manipulatives.  Note: Within the Wolfram Demonstration Project are 4 manipulatives addressing TF-A.1, 19 manipulatives for TF-A.2 (all are relevant), 18 manipulatives for TF-A.3, and 16 manipulatives for TF-A.4.  Among those:

Multiple Choice:

Wisc-Online, Learning Object: What is a Radian?: This is a short interactive demonstration of the size of a radian and the number of radians in a circle, accompanied by three multiple choice problems to test understanding.


Khan Academy: HSF-F-TF includes HSF-TF.A.1 through HSF-TF.A.4 Common Core aligned problems.

Also see the following practice questions with videos:

The Math Page: Trigonometry: Aligns with TF-A.

  • Arc Length: Lesson introduces the definition of the radian and includes practice problems.  Use with TF-A.1.
  • Radian Measure.  Lessons on converting degrees to radians, radians to degrees, coterminal angles, and the multiples of π with practice problems.  Use with TF-A.2.
  • Analytic Trigonometry: The Unit Circle: Lesson on how right triangle trig can extend to definitions of the trig functions of angles drawn on a circle.  It includes the "signs" of the trig functions in each quadrant, quadrantal angles, and the unit circle.  Practice problems are included.   Use with TF-A.4.
  • Trig Functions of Any Angle 

Performance tasks:

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework:

Mathematics Vision Project, Secondary 3 Student Edition:

  • Module 6: Trigonometric Functions: This module contains 13 classroom tasks.  Function standard TF-A.1 is found in tasks 5-9; TF-A.2 is found in task 3, tasks 5-9, and task 13.  Task 13 also addresses TF-A.3, TF-A.4.


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TF-B: Model periodic phenomena with trigonometric functions



Technology-enhanced investigations:

A. Dendane: Analyze Math: Sine Function and Cosine Function: HTML5 applets to explore properties of graphs of the sine function and cosine function.  These applets help learners to understand the meaning of amplitude, frequency, shifts left or right, and midline by changing parameters in equations of the form f(x) = a sin (bx + c) + d  and of the form  f(x) = a cos (bx + c) + d.  The x-axis in each applet is labeled with radians. Use with TF-B.5.

Interactive Mathematics:  Use the following with TF-B.5 and TF-B.6.

Mathispower4u: Trigonometry Videos is an extensive collection on nearly every topic in trig from James Sousa.  Aligns with TF-A, TF-B, and TF-C.

NCTM Illuminations: Trigonometric Graphing: Learners can investigate amplitude, period, and phase shift by examining the graphs of various trigonometric functions (sin, cos, tan, sec, csc, cot) for equations of the form f(x) = a sin (bx + c) + d.  They can change the function and parameters a, b, c, and d, and choose to display graphs in either degrees or radians.  Use with TF-B.5.

Wolfram Demonstrations Project: Download the free Wolfram CDF player to interact with the following manipulatives.  Note: Within the Wolfram Demonstration Project are 7 manipulatives addressing TF-B.5 and 3 manipulatives for TF-B.6.  Among those:

PatrickJMT YouTube videos on Inverse Trig Functions:

Multiple Choice: Tutorial on the Inverse Sine, Cosine, Tangent.  Examples are shown.  Learners then complete 10 multiple choice problems.  Aligns with TF-B.6 and TF-B.7.

Wolfram Demonstrations Project: Download the free Wolfram CDF player to interact with the following manipulative: Elementary Transformations of a Sine Wave Quiz: Learners are shown a sine graph and a transformation of it. They select parameters to create the equation of the transformation.  Aligns with TF-B.5.


Khan Academy: HSF-F-TF includes HSF-TF.B.5 through HSF-TF.BF.7 Common Core aligned problems.

Also see the following practice questions with videos.

NRICH: Tangled Trig Graphs: Learners are presented multiple sine graphs on the same set of axes and are challenged to determine the equations from the graphs and how they might also be written in terms of the cosine function.  "The problem gives the opportunity to investigate reflections, stretches and translations of curves, and the corresponding effects on equations" (Teachers' Resources for this problem).  Aligns with TF-B.5.

Wolfram Demonstrations Project: Download the free Wolfram CDF player to interact with the following manipulative: Inverse Function of a Trigonometric Function Game: This Demonstration provides a game for the exact calculation of f-1(f(x)) for trigonometric functions. Aligns with TF-B.6 and TF-B.7.

Performance tasks:

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework:

Illustrative Mathematics: Functions: Foxes and Rabbits 2: This task aligns with standard TF-B.5.

Mathematics Vision Project, Secondary 3 Student Edition:

NCTM's Reasoning and Sense Making Task Library: Tidal Waves includes the task overview, teacher notes for its use, and student activity sheet.  Aligns with BF-B.3, TF-B.5 and mathematical practice standards 1 and 7.


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TF-C: Prove and apply trigonometric identities



Technology-enhanced investigations:

Interactive Mathematics: Analytic Trigonometry begins with its definition: "the branch of mathematics that examines trigonometric identities in terms of their positions on the x-y plane."  This chapter delves into proving identities, the sin, cos, tan for the sum of two angles, double angle and half angle formulas, trig equations, writing expressions in the form Rsin(θ ± α), and inverse trig functions and their graphs.  Use with TF-C.

Purple Math: Trigonometric Identities: This is a list of all the basic trigonometric identities, which can be used in solving problems.

YouTube: Pythagorean Identity Proofs: This includes multiple videos on how to prove the Pythagorean identities, including sin2(θ) + cos2(θ) = 1 and using it to find sin(θ), cos(θ), or tan(θ) given sin(θ), cos(θ), or tan(θ) and the quadrant of the angle. Aligns with TF-C.8.

Khan Academy: Videos posted at YouTube, which align with TF-C.9:

Law of Sines and Law of Cosines at CalculatorSoup are two applets that allow you to input sides and angles per each law and then each applet calculates the missing sides and angles in a triangle.  You'll also get the perimeter, semi-perimeter, area, radius of an inscribed circle and radius of a circumscribed circle.

Mathispower4u: Trigonometry Videos is an extensive collection on nearly every topic in trig from James Sousa.  Aligns with TF-A, TF-B, and TF-C. Trigonometry calculators address law of sines, law of cosines, trig function values .  Explanation of theory is included for each.  Use with TF-C.9.

PatrickJMT: YouTube videos using addition and subtraction formulas for sine, cosine, and tangent to solve problems.  Each aligns with TF-C.9:

  • Identities for Sum and Differences of Sine and Cosine: Video examples showing use of these formulas:  Example 1: sin(75o); Example 2: cos(15o); Example 3: tan(165o) written as sin(165o)/ cos(165o).
  • Sum and Difference Identities to Simplify an Expression: Example 1 Example 2, and Example 3.

Wolfram Demonstrations Project: Download the free Wolfram CDF player to interact with the following manipulatives.  Note: Within the Wolfram Demonstration Project are 3 manipulatives addressing TF-C.8 and 9 manipulatives for TF-C.9.  Among those:

  • Two visual proofs of a basic trigonometric identity: the Pythagorean identity.  Aligns with TF-C.8.
  • Trig functions for a right triangle: Aligns with TF-C.8.
  • Cofunction Identities for Sine and Cosine: This is a visual demonstration using the definition of each function on a right triangle to show the sine of an angle = cosine of its complement and the cosine of an angle = sine of its complement.  Use with TF-C.9.
  • Difference Formula for Cosine: This is a visual demonstration of the formula cos(A-B) = cos(A)cos(B) + sin(A)sin(B).  Take time to justify the steps in the explanation and label parts sin(A), cos(A), sin(B), cos(B) on both figures.  It's easier to understand the proof from the figures when angles A and B are not equal.  Aligns with TF-C.9.
  • Addition Formula for Sine: This is a visual demonstration of the formula sin(A+B) = sin(A)cos(B) + cos(A)sin(B).  Take time to justify the steps in the explanation and label parts sin(A), cos(A), sin(B), cos(B) on both figures.  It's easier to understand the proof from the figures when angles A and B are not equal.  Aligns with TF-C.9.

Multiple Choice:

Khan Academy:  Practice questions with videos.


Khan Academy: HSF-F-TF includes HSF-TF.C.8 and HSF-TF.C.9 Common Core aligned problems.

Also see the following practice questions with videos:

Performance tasks:

Georgia Standards of Excellence Framework:

  • Pre-Calculus Unit 1: Introduction to Trigonometric Functions.  This unit contains 13 tasks, including a Culminating Task: Graphing Other Trigonometric Functions.  Tasks align to TF-A.1, TF-A.2, TF-B.5, TF-C.8 and IF-B.4, IF-C.7.
  • Pre-Calculus Unit 4: Trigonometric Identities.  This unit contains eight tasks: Proving the Sine Addition and Subtraction Identities, Proving the Cosine Addition and Subtraction Identities, A Distance Formula Proof for the Cosine Addition Identity, Proving the Tangent Addition and Subtraction Identities, Double-Angles Identities for Sine, Cosine, Tangent; Cosine Double-Angle: A Man with Many Identities; Deriving Half-Angle Identities, and a Culminating Task: How Many Angles Can You Find?  Tasks align to TF-C.9.


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Common Core Math: Intro | HS Functions Domain: IF  |  BF  |  LE  |  TF  |