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Common Core High School Functions Teaching and Learning Resources

Domain: IF: Interpreting Functions

Common Core Math

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IF-A: Interpret the structure of expressions.



Technology-enhanced investigations: Math Dictionary, and words at * are from  Key vocabulary for this domain.  Use with IF-A, IF-B, IF-C:

amplitude exponential function maximum of a function recursive formula for a sequence
asymptote exponential growth minimum of a function step function
average rate of change extremum period of a periodic function symmetric
domain function piecewise function x-intercept
end behavior function operations range y-intercept
exponential decay increasing function and decreasing function rational function zero of a function
trig functions Fibonacci


CK-12: Algebra: Concepts, videos, and practice problems for learners to complete.

Interactive Mathematics: Functions and Graphs includes an introduction to functions, functions from verbal statements, rectangular coordinates, graphs of functions including domain and range, graphs defined by tables and data, continuous and discontinuous functions, split functions, and even/odd functions.  Use with IF-A.1 and IF-A.2. Algebra: Functions: These are video lessons, each of which includes sample problems and a short quiz.  Use the following with IF-A.1 and IF-A.2:

Imagine Learning Classroom (formerly LearnZillion) subscription needed:

Math Open Reference: Graphical Function Explorer: Graph up to three functions on the same set of axes using this free online graphing tool.

Purplemath: Functions versus Relations, including domain and range.  Use with IF-A.1.

Shodor Interactivate:

National Library of Virtual Manipulatives: Virtual manipulatives for grades 9-12 (Java required). Scroll down to Algebra (9-12) and select the following:

MIT BLOSSOMS: Video lessons with additional teacher and learner resources.  Descriptions are from the video summaries.

Wolfram Alpha: Domain and Range Calculator Online, powered by Wolfram Alpha, which is AI driven.  Students benefit from seeing the use of function notation in the answer and seeing the graph of the function.  Use with IF-A.1.

Wolfram Demonstrations Project: Download the free Wolfram CDF player to interact with the following manipulatives:

Multiple Choice:

Khan Academy:


Khan Academy: HSF-F-IF includes HSF-IF.A.1 through HSF-IF.A.3 Common Core aligned problems.

Also see Algebra I: Functions, Algebra 2 (includes several sections on functions): Practice questions with videos.

Math Warehouse: Algebra: Relations, Functions, Domain, Range etc.  The section includes lessons, interactive demonstrations, and practice problems and also includes evaluating functions, inverse of a function (including an applet), vertical line test, one-to-one functions, composition of functions, operations (add, subtract, multiply) functions, and recursive sequences/functions.  Aligns with IF-A.1, IF-A.2, and IF-A.3.  Tutorials and examples using fill-in or multiple choice to test understanding.  Learners can also choose to do game versions of some topics.  Use with IF-A.1 and IF-A.2: Functions from the Numerical, Algebraic, and Geometric Viewpoints

Performance tasks:

Illustrative Mathematics: Functions:

Inside Mathematics: MARS task: Printing Tickets: This task aligns with standards IF-A.2, IF-B.4, and IF-C.9

Mathematics Assessment Project: Standards: High School: Functions:

Mathematics Vision Project, Secondary 1 Student Edition:

New York City Department of Education: High School Algebra: Aussie Fir Tree: Unit Overview: “The Aussie Fir Tree task is a culminating task for a 2-3 week unit on algebra that uses the investigation of growing patterns as a vehicle to teach students to visualize, identify and describe real world mathematical relationships. Students who demonstrate mastery of the unit are able to solve the Aussie Fir Tree task in one class period.” Function standards addressed include IF-A.3, BF-A.1 and BF-A.1.a.  Algebra standards include CED-A.1, REI-B.4 and REI-B.4.a.  Mathematical Practices standards include MP.1, MP.3, MP.4, MP.6, and MP.7.


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IF-B: Interpret functions that arise in applications in terms of the context



Technology-enhanced investigations:

Graphing Calculator is free from and compatible with any computer or tablet.  See Classroom Activities for functions.

Concord Consortium LogoConcord Consortium STEM resources: Mathematics:  Each of the following includes an applet, student activity, teacher lesson plan, and student assessment.

A. Dendane: Analyze Math: Periodic Functions: Applet to explore and understand what it means to be a periodic function.  Aligns with IF-B.4.

Imagine Learning Classroom (formerly LearnZillion) subscription needed:

Math Open Reference: Graphical Function Explorer: Graph up to three functions on the same set of axes using this free online graphing tool.

MIT BLOSSOMS: Video lessons with additional teacher and learner resources.  Descriptions are from the video summaries.

Shodor Interactivate:

NCTM Illuminations: Drug Filtering: In this lesson, students observe a model of exponential decay on how kidneys filter blood and after performing calculations of the amount of a drug left in the body over time, they make and analyze a graphical representation of the exponential function.

Purplemath: Meaning of Slope and Y-Intercept

Wolfram Demonstrations Project: Download the free Wolfram CDF player to interact with the following manipulatives that align with US Common Core State Standard Math IF-B.5 and IF-B.6.

Multiple Choice:

Khan Academy: See Algebra I: Functions: Graphing Functions, Domain and Range, and Analyzing Linear Functions, and Algebra 2 (includes several sections on functions): Practice questions with videos.


Khan Academy: HSF-F-IF includes HSF-IF.B.4 through HSF-IF.B.6 Common Core aligned problems.

Also see Algebra I: Functions: Practice questions with videos. Range of quadratic functions: Aligns with IF-B.5.

Performance tasks:

Illustrative Mathematics: Functions:

Inside Mathematics: MARS Tasks:

Mathematics Assessment Project: Standards: High School: Functions: Task 430: Functions and Everyday Situations

Mathematics Vision Project, Secondary 1 Student Edition:

Mathematics Vision Project, Secondary 2 Student Edition:

Mathematics Vision Project, Secondary 3 Student Edition:


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IF-C: Analyze functions using different representations



Technology-enhanced investigations:

Concord Consortium STEM resources: Mathematics:  Each of the following includes an applet, student activity, teacher lesson plan, and student assessment.

Ohio Resource Center on YouTube: Tutorials for High School Mathematics.  Select the following, which align with IF-C.7:

PhET Interactive Simulations: Algebra: Matrices and Absolute Value:  This is a series of eight video lessons, six of which are on absolute value.  Each video also includes sample problems and a short quiz.  Absolute value videos begin with the question, What is Absolute Value? and then include how to evaluate, solve, and graph absolute value equations.  Graphing also includes transformations, dilations, and reflections of absolute value equations.  Aligns with IF-C.7.

Imagine Learning Classroom (formerly LearnZillion) subscription needed:

Thinking Mathematics:

A. Dendane: Analyze Math:  Select the following, which align with IF-C.7:

Math Open Reference: Graphical Function Explorer: Graph up to three functions on the same set of axes using this free online graphing tool.

MIT BLOSSOMS: Video lessons with additional teacher and learner resources.  Descriptions are from the video summaries.

Purple Math:

Teacher Tube videos:

Wolfram Demonstrations Project: Download the free Wolfram CDF player to interact with the following manipulatives.  Note: Within the Wolfram Demonstration Project are 94 manipulatives addressing IF-C.7, 26 manipulatives for IF-C.8, and 2 manipulatives for IF-C.9.  Among those:

Multiple Choice:

A. Dendane: Analyze Math: Graphs of Rational Functions: Self-check quiz.  Learners are given an equation of a function and select the correct graph of it.  Learners need to write down their answers and then check from answers provided.

CK-12: Analysis of Rational Functions: Finding restrictions, vertical asymptotes, breaks, end behavior, and intercepts: Practice questions with review content and video.  Aligns with IF-C.7.d.

Khan Academy: See Algebra 1: Functions; Algebra 2 (includes several sections on functions): Practice questions with videos.


Khan Academy: HSF-F-IF includes HSF-IF.C.7 through HSF-IF.C.9 Common Core aligned problems.

Also see practice questions with videos:

Math Warehouse: Converting the Equation of a Parabola: Vertex and Standard Forms: Tutorial and Practice Problems converting vertex form to standard form, and standard form to vertex form using completing the square method.  Aligns with IF-C.8.

Performance tasks:

Illustrative Mathematics: Functions:

Inside Mathematics: MARS Tasks:

Mathematics Assessment Project: Standards: High School: Functions:

Mathematics Vision Project, Secondary 1 Student Edition:

Mathematics Vision Project, Secondary 2 Student Edition:

Mathematics Vision Project, Secondary 3 Student Edition:


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Common Core Math: Intro | HS Functions Domain: IF  |  BF  |  LE  |  TF  |