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Common Core High School Algebra Teaching and Learning Resources

Domain: CED: Creating Equations

Common Core Math

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CED-A: Create equations that describe numbers or relationships



Technology-enhanced investigations: Math Dictionary: Key vocabulary for this domain.  Use with CED-A:

coordinate plane graph of an equation or inequality quadratic equation solve analytically
equation of a line graphic methods rational equation solve graphically
equation rules inequality rational function system of equations
exponential function/model inequality rules restricted domain system of inequalities
formula linear inequality root of an equation variable
function linear system of equations solution verify a solution


Concord Consortium LogoConcord Consortium STEM resources: Mathematics:  Each of the following includes an applet, student activity, teacher lesson plan, and student assessment.

HOT: Online slope calculator for graphing two points on a coordinate plane and showing the slope-intercept equation, including the rise and run, on the coordinate axes. Interactively change slope, intercepts, rise over run or more for reverse calculations. It includes math content to explain the theory.  This is a great tool to explore linear equations in slope-intercept form.  Aligns with CED-A.2.

Imagine Learning Classroom (formerly LearnZillion) subscription needed: Explore multiple types of graphs with Make Your Own Graphs.  Select a Function Grapher and Calculator (also graphs polar forms), an Equation Grapher (e.g., great for conics), and more.  You can begin by exploring linear and quadratic graphs.  Aligns with CED-A.2.

MIT BLOSSOMS: Video lessons with additional teacher and learner resources.  Descriptions are from the video summaries.

Ohio Resource Center on YouTube: Tutorials for High School Mathematics.  Select the following: Types of Algebra Word Problems and How to Solve Them Among those are complete explanations and how to's for age, average, coin, consecutive integer, distance, fraction, geometry, interest, lever, mixture, number sequences, ratio, proportion, symbol, and work problems.

YouTube video lessons.  Use the following with CED-A.4:

Wolfram Demonstrations Project: Download the free Wolfram CDF player to interact with the following manipulatives that align with US Common Core State Standard Math CED.A.1 and  CED.A.2:

Thinking Mathematics:

Purplemath: Translating Word Problems: Keywords and Worked Examples Following this are sections with explanations and examples of typical word problems that learners encounter, including the following:

Purplemath: Variation Equations: Direct, Joint, and Inverse Variation including word problems

YouTube video lessons for solving algebra word problems.  The presenter translates the word problem into the algebraic equation, discusses the problem, shows diagrams as needed, and presents the solution.  He is very detailed--excellent how-to videos.  Students: For a learning experience, pause the video after the problem is presented, then solve.  Use the video to check your solution method:

Khan Academy video lessons and practice problems: Systems of Equations Word Problems

Additional YouTube video lessons:

Multiple Choice:

CK-12: Algebra: Video examples, practice problems online, and real world applications.  The following align with CED-A.2: Tutorials on equations.  Examples are shown.  Learners then complete 10 multiple choice problems in each section.  Aligns with CED-A.2:


Achieve the Core: Quadratic Equations Mini-Assessment (pdf or Word docx) can be used to evaluate students' understanding of algebra standards REI-B.4 and CED-A.1 in order to prepare to teach this material or to check for student ability to demonstrate understanding and apply these concepts.

West Texas A & M University: Virtual Math Lab: Intermediate Algebra: Tutorial 16: Equations of Lines.  Use with CED-A.1.

Khan Academy: HSA-A-CED includes HSA-CED.A.1, HSA-CED.A.2, HSA-CED.A.3 and HSA-CED.A.4 Common Core aligned problems.

Also see the following practice questions with videos to use with CED-A.2:

Algebra Lab:

Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications (COMAP): Mathematical Modeling Handbook (Sample).  This sample mathematical modeling module aligns to Common Core Standards.  It contains teacher guidance for implementation and student questions to complete during their investigation:

WisWeb: Applets:

Performance tasks:

Illustrative Mathematics: Algebra:

Inside Mathematics: MARS Tasks:

Mathematics Assessment Project: Standards: High School: Algebra:

Mathematics Vision Project, Secondary 1 Student Edition:

NCTM's Reasoning and Sense Making Task Library: Over the Hill includes the task overview, teacher notes for its use, and student activity sheet.  Aligns with function standard BF-A.1b, algebra standards CED-A.2, REI-C.6, and mathematical practice standards 1, 4, 5, and 7.


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